Student Services

Student Health and Well being is an important part of our holistic care towards children at Waikiki Primary School. If you feel your child may need to use this service, your child’s classroom teacher is the first port of call. Teachers are familiar with our student services team and will ensure your concerns are forwarded to the appropriate member of staff.

The Student Services Team at Waikiki Primary School provides a wide range of services to members of the School Community. The focus varies according to the individual needs of the students.

Student Intervention

Students at Waikiki Primary School that require additional assistance in Literacy and Numeracy are supported through a range of intervention groups. These small groups are run daily through the use of explicit teaching and warm ups.


Student Services Committee

Our Student Services Committee assists staff to develop specific plans for all students with special needs.  This may involve liaising with parents and numerous staff from a wide range of agencies to provide additional services to students. The Student Services Deputy Principal coordinates the ‘case conference’ meetings when necessary and works closely with teachers and education assistants to ensure that plans are meeting the requirements of the individual students.

For students who require specific and intensive support. Plans are designed to address limited progress in areas of targeted intervention (major modifications may be required). Programs may replace or where possible will be additional to classroom instruction. These are delivered in small groups or individually. This requires collaboration with external agencies and the development of an Individual Education Plan.

School Psychologist

The School Psychologist supports our school in three main areas:

Learning; our school psychologist can conduct assessments of students experiencing learning difficulties and/or disabilities at the school. Support is then provided in making appropriate curriculum adjustments for students in order to enhance their learning outcomes.

Mental Health and Well-being; our school psychologist can provide support for students experiencing mental health and well-being difficulties through determining the best external agency for support. Assistance is also provided to maximise the development of positive mental health and well-being.

Behaviour; our school psychologist works with students, parents and school staff to identify and change target behaviours at the individual, group and systemic level.

School Psychologists do not conduct general counselling sessions for students, this can be obtained by contacting your GP and requesting a Mental Health Care Plan under Medicare.

Accessing a School Psychologist

At Waikiki Primary School the School Psychologist can be accessed by discussing your concerns firstly with the classroom teacher. The teacher may then lodge a Student with Special Needs referral with the Student Services Team or Student Services Deputy Principal who will then determine if intervention is required.  A case conference will then be arranged at the school to discuss concerns.

School Nurse

Students in kindergarten and pre-primary will be screened by the School Nurse during the year with the main focus on sight and hearing.  Should the Nurse find any issues you will be contacted.

On occasions during the year, the School Health Nurse may contact you regarding a specific issue relating to your child or a teacher may notice a health issue and will request an interview to discuss concerns.

Your permission is then sought for your child to see the School Health Nurse and additional support as required is provided. The School Health Nurse is also able to provide the necessary contacts for specific needs; e.g. referrals to agencies to help a child with speech and or hearing problems.

School Chaplain

My name is Gianna Goytizolo and I am the chaplain at Waikiki PS.

My role at Waikiki PS as the chaplain is to offer social, emotional, physical, mental and spiritual support to students, parents and staff. All contact is confidential, unless there is a concern for safety.

Sometimes we need someone to walk alongside us, to help build friendship groups, help us find new ways to express ourselves, and talk about our anxieties or something that may be troubling us.

The Chaplaincy room is a safe space where you can come to read a book, make art, play a game, or have a chat.

I am excited to be joining you all at Waikiki Primary School. I will be available at the school every Tuesday and Thursday.

I look forward to meeting you all and feel privileged to be a part of your wonderful school community.